Friday, December 7, 2007

Week 10 - #23 THE END!!!

Well, I thought I'd never get here! This training has been a long process. At times frustrating. At times really enlightning! Overall, I really enjoyed the training. I was pleased to find that I was already at least somewhat familiar with many of the tools we learned about. I guess I'm not as out of the loop as I thought! And now I feel much more secure in my knowledge about all these tools. I even feel like I can help patrons explore what's available out there. In terms of using these technologies at HCPL, I'm actually in the process right now of creating a blog for my branch's children's department. It's a little slow going because even though I am now fairly familiar with Blogger, I've decided to use Wordpress because it seems to have more functions. So it's learning all over again! On this department website, we may include some of the technologies we've learned about, such as Flickr and Avatars.

Thank you to all of you who put this program together for us. It was great. A lot of work, but great!

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