Monday, September 17, 2007

It's a scary online world out there

This section is interesting because it reminds me that not everybody is as net savvy as they should be. I think I'm pretty good at protecting my information online. However, it always disturbs me when I see kids (or adults) over sharing personal information online. I'm always shocked at the kids. I grew up being told over and over, "don't talk to strangers." So to me it was always common sense not to put myself all out there. I get really distressed when I see the kids on Myspace not only over sharing but posting inappropriate pictures, videos, posts, whatever. It's equally disturbing to see adults forget these rules too. I've seen it happen a few times (especially with seniors). They get pulled into email scams or they click on those annoying pop-ups (Click here to win $5,000!) and they give out all their info to strangers or to websites that aren't secure. I have seen patrons who have been pulled in scams, lost money, and try desperately (though unsuccessfully) to pull themselves out. Scary.

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